As the use of electronic automotive components increases every year, a growing number of voltage variations must be tested using different voltage patterns.

The Problem

Smaller manufacturers without their own testing facilities have to use outside testing centers, which must be booked well in advance, slowing production and adding to costs.

Company L sometimes received instructions from its customer to perform voltage variation tests with particular waveforms.
Having no testing facility of their own, Company L had to book an outside test center, making it difficult to maintain production schedules.

At times, no test center was available for at least six months. And then, if any problems were found in the test, another reservation would have to be made for a retest-often with another long wait for an available time slot.

Mr. A, who is responsible for Company L’s research and development department, said, “Once a deficiency occurs, it affects future transactions. As a result, we are definitely unable to compromise in the tests.”

He often wished that his company had its own in-house testing capabilities. But due to cost and installation space constraints, he felt that there was no chance of Company L introducing a dedicated system.

Key Aspects of the Problem

  • Company L had no facility for carrying out power supply variation tests and had to book a test center in order to carry out the tests there.
  • The constraints of installation space and cost impede the introduction of a dedicated system.

Company P manufactures and sells automotive airbags. The airbag is a vehicle safety device to protect human’s life. Under some rare conditions, the airbag can cause fatal accidents. The airbag module is designed with high accuracy so that the airbag system shall be activated to minimize the effect of accidents once they occur.

The Problem

Company P’s verified product could not get approval at the business partner’s evaluation, that led Company P to face a crisis of losing the business.

When company P submitted a newly developed prototype to the business partner for evaluation, it was returned with the comment that its performance was insufficient. The problem was with testing equipment that could not deliver accurate test results.

Mr. R in design and development on the project recalls that a vast number of requirement errors still slipped through the business partner’s evaluation process, although many defects were fixed. Comprehensive reviewing all its safety structures, processes and compliances are vital in preventing recall or car accidents caused by faulty devices.

Company P was in danger of losing the business against one of their competitors if it failed to improve the product quality to a level that would satisfy their business partner’s demands.

The company P was aware that this was due to poor performance of their variable power supplies. The company P wanted to establish a new test environment to perform the higher precision development and test in their limited installation space.

In addition to improving the test environment, Mr. R wanted to implement a system infrastructure to control and monitor the power supplies on the network.
Mr. R was at a loss without any ideas about specifically what to do.

Key Aspects of the Problem

  • The company P wanted to establish a new test environment to perform the higher precision development and test.
  • The constraints of installation space to implement a large test system.
  • The company P wanted to control and monitor the power supplies on the network.

With an increasing public perception of the benefits of driving more economically and efficiently, the demands for electric and hybrid vehicles continue to grow. Automakers have announced new Electrified Vehicles (xEVs) models or electric versions of their existing models indicates the industry is embracing the electrification transformation. The increase in the number of electric components within a vehicle boosts total necessary current, especially, peak current.

The Problem

Bipolar power supply in the market does not deliver enough peak current.

The movement toward vehicle electrification has begun, and quality inspection becomes more and more crucial to assure the reliability of automotive electric components.
The company C have been facing some issues about the peak current for automotive voltage variation test.

Hundreds of amps of peak current is required to conduct a test simulating disconnection of a battery from a vehicle.
The company C used Custom-made bipolar power supplies or operated tens of standard bipolar power supply in parallel, in order to get the enough peak current for a car.
Mr. A at Design development dept. was concerned about the peak current required for the test in near future.

“With an increase in electrical components present in the latest model of cars, the power supplies owned by the company may not meet the higher peak current demand”, said Mr. A.

He was seriously concerned about the present situation that the company C had been facing and tried to find the solution in vain.

Key Aspects of the Problem

  • Bipolar power supply in the market does not meet the required peak current, either the expandability for future demand.
  • Even though a power supply with large current could be found, it does not have enough high frequency to conduct automotive voltage variation test.

Inspection plays a very important role in production process to prevent distributing the defectives to markets. The inspection processes for detecting nonconforming products must be performed at higher speeds without any loss in accuracy. The company D focuses on defect reduction, these pass/fail decisions are often the basis for determining project success.

The Problem

Wanted to streamline multiple inspection processes.

The company D wanted to reduce workload in inspection process for their products, and tried to find the way to promote streamlining inspection process in the assembly line.

Mr. A, the General Manager of the QA dept. of the company said, “Consolidation of product functions leads to increasing density of electronic components on PCBs.
The manufacturing process is a chain of separate but dependent assembly and testing processes, which together build our final product. Inspection process dominates the significant part in the line.
Production process is made up of a long chain of separate and probably complex activities. Quality problems will happen and although we are going to do everything possible to minimize them. Each discrete stage of the production flow should be tested before the product can move on to the next. Inspection equipment can be used for process control and should be installed at appropriate check points on the production line.
To meet demand for High-mix low-volume production manufacturing, it has been requested to apply lean manufacturing. And we had been facing an urgent need to solve the workload reduction in inspection process, due to the labor shortage.”

Mr. A was assigned by the managements for a prompt action to improve the inspection process. He carefully analyzed the inspection process for the bottlenecks to improve the throughput in the inspection. After searching for appropriate inspection equipment at the web site, Mr. A realized none of the equipment fitted his demands. He was at a loss without any ideas about specifically what to do.

Key Aspects of the Problem

  • Streamlining inspection process to realize high-mix low-volume production is required.
  • Wanted to reduce inspection time in production line.
  • Multiple inspection equipment take time for the setup.

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