PWX_Variable Internal Resistance

Rint : Internal resistance
0 <Rint ≦ Rint (max)

Rint (min) [Ω]0.0001 *10.0010.010.10.00010.0010.010.1
Rint (max) [Ω]0.4000 *12.85723.00185.70.2000 *11.42911.5092.9
Resolution [Ω]0.0001 *10.0010.010.10.0001 *10.0010.010.1

*1 When the value is set from the front panel, the least significant digit is not shown on the panel display. The value varies at a higher resolution than what is hown, and the least significant digit is rounded and shown in the next higher digit.

Related specifications : PWX Series

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